If You Can’t See It, Hear It, or Feel It, It Doesn’t Exist! (Thank you Dr. Suess). Why Face-To-Face Meetings Are Essential Marketing Tools in the Automotive World
Over the last several years, companies have increased their presence on Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms with the hopes that posting witty words, eye-catching graphics, Tick-Tock clips, and You-Tube shorts will connect with their customers and boost their bottom lines. Makes sense since an estimated 4.9 billion people world-wide use social media, according to Forbes. But relying solely on social media to market your business isn’t enough.
As a leader in the automotive marketing and sales space, Scott Lewis Associates Inc. (SLAI) has seen it time and again. A young millennial or Gen Zer tells his/her grandparent that their company (usually one that’s been around for decades) needs to be on social media. So, the baby boomer owner hires a guru or two (or – gasp! a whole agency) to post on all the social sites. But the marketing efforts can’t stop when the screen goes dark.
Successfully marketing a company (or product) needs to be done holistically. While social media can and does play a big part in today’s marketing plans (tens of billions are spent on it each year!), it can’t be the only part. A company needs to identify and understand its target audience, then use an array of strategies that are tailored to best align with this specific customer group.
The team at SLAI knows the recipe for success is having a well-rounded marketing campaign. They do the research and know that email and content marketing along with more traditional methods help establish authority in the auto industry. That’s why they use all the tools in their marketing and sales arsenal, including face-to-face meetings. They understand the immense value in meeting and talking with customers face to face, and industry shows are a great place to do it.
Scott Lewis Associates Inc. has solid, deeply rooted relationships with a vast network of industry leaders. The marketing and sales agency’s connections in the automotive and performance space allow them to cultivate and build key partnerships with long-lasting automotive customers. They then build their social media messaging on these concrete foundations.
(Human Interaction Required)
Ask anyone at SLAI and they’ll tell you that the World Wide Web is an important part of business and pretty much every campaign. The key word here, though, is part. We are bombarded with so much information that can’t be verified. Many times, products, claims, etc. are just thrown out without facts, figures, or other supporting data to back it up. Do you just randomly trust every video you see on the interweb? (If so, I’ve got an island to sell you. I’ll tell you where to wire the money.)
All kidding aside, the Internet is a great place to advertise, market, and connect with your audience. It’s a great way to provide information and share knowledge for the masses to see. However, it should be used as a support tool, not the only tool. We all need human interaction. It really is an essential part of life – and it is most definitely an essential part of business.
Just like Grandma’s secret recipes, each relationship, each campaign, has to physically have hands in it to truly be successful. Let SLAI be the secret to your company’s success.
Contact SLAI today to talk with a team member and get your marketing and sales plan started.